Apple Cider Vinegar
What’s it all about?
About our Natural and Nourishing Infusions
Based in Harrogate, the beautiful spa town of North Yorkshire, Retreat is a place of healing and all of its Remedies are made by hand to support this. Each infusion is created with love and an understanding of the power of Nature. All added ingredients are organic where possible, local, responsibly sourced and some even homegrown, meaning each batch can vary in flavour due to its natural harvest. The root spices, citrus fruits and herbs have been blended to give these Apple Cider Vinegar infusions earthy, sweet and fiery twists, that not only add great flavour but a whole heap of natural goodness.
We use organic, unpasteurised Apple Cider Vinegar containing 'The Mother’. ‘The Mother’ is the fermented, live bacteria culture, recognised as the cloudinesss, strands or sediment you see in high quality Apple Cider Vinegar. Famous for its multitude of enzymes, amino acids, proteins, minerals and vitamins. Apple Cider Vinegar has been named by physicians and nutritionists throughout history as the Holy Grail of natural supplements. It’s been used by our ancestors as a natural anti-inflammatory, a support to gut health and cholesterol and an aid to reducing blood sugar levels. Click here for more on the history of Apple Cider Vinegar.
We love to take them as a shot, to get that hit of flavour, then wash down with warm water to disperse through the digestive tract. Many like to savour the flavour and dilute a few tablespoons with hot or cold water. Add oil and they make a delicious salad dressing or marinade, alternatively add to any dish or drink that needs a hint of tang or fire.
Organically fermented, unpasteurised, raw Apple Cider Vinegar containing 'The Mother' infused with root spices, citrus fruits, herbs and honey.
A naturally sweet, sharp and tangy infusion to aid and support digestion and gut health.
An invigorating infusion filled with fiery spices to support the body's natural immunity.
An earthy blend full of powerful natural anti-inflammatories.
Our Best Seller! This blend is not just the colour of blood but all about supporting the bloods purification, circulation, warmth and balancing of blood sugar levels.
LIMITED EDITION - our favourite and most popular blend. I am often asked if I will make it all year round but some things you have to keep special…
The History of Apple Cider Vinegar
Since the dawn of civilisation, ancient physicians have concocted alchemic elixirs aimed at alleviating illnesses, healing injuries and prolonging life. One such elixir that has stood the test of time, can be traced back to the ancient nomadic tribes of Indo-Iran who developed a wild yeast fermented apple wine. This soured apple wine was to become the forerunner of what has been named by physicians and nutritionists throughout history as the holy grail of natural supplements - Apple Cider Vinegar. From the Egyptians to the Babylonians to the Romans, Apple Cider Vinegar infused with healing botanics have been consumed for millennia to treat an assortment of ailments. Testament to the nourishing qualities of this ancient restorative, the word ‘cider’ actually derives from the Phoenician word ‘shekar’ meaning 'drink of strength'. This natural panacea was really made popular during 'The Golden Age of Athens' (circa 400BC) by the 'Father of Medicine', Hippocrates, who famously declared that "nature itself is the best medicine" and prescribed a tonic of apple cider vinegar, honey and herbs to all of his patients in an effort to combat infections, viruses, inflammation, fatigue and boost the immune system. Since the wonders of apple cider tonics were discovered, these therapeutic elixirs have been used by many cultures such as the Japanese Samurai warriors for strength and power, Persian tribes to prevent the accumulation of fat in the body and the European aristocracy of the 'Age of Enlightenment' to ward of the bubonic plague.
Information on Gut Health
There are many articles, videos and information on Apple Cider Vinegar. These are some of my favourites, from three different doctors looking from different angles…